


It is time to start the contract simplification revolution! Milva Finnegan recently completed her Doctor of Science in Economics from the University of Vaasa, Finland. Her dissertation is in the field of business law and focuses on how user-centered design can be applied in a contract design context to produce clearer and more simplified contract documents.

Doctoral Dissertation – User-centered Design: A Key to Contract Simplification (View Link)

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From a Natural Language to a Controlled Contact Language, 2018. JustletterIT. (View Link)

Capturing the Business Deal in the Contract Document: Do Your Terms and Conditions Capture the Value of the Business Deal?, 2013. Proceedings of the 2013 IACCM Academic Forum on Integrating Law and Contract Management: Proactive, Preventive and Strategic Approaches. (Download Link)

Communicating Contracts in Split Seconds: Using Visual Tools to Make Leadership Pay Attention, July 2021. Co-authored with Helena Haapio. National Contract Management Association (NCMA) (View Link)